Christian advises clients on issues of trade mark and unfair competition law.
A focus of his practice is on cross-border litigation, often related to questions of consumer perception and unconventional marks (e.g. for the shape and colour of goods). He handles a few global brand portfolios and frequently acts before the GPTO and German Federal Patent Court as well as the EUIPO and Court of Justice of the EU. His most recent cases include C-832/21 Beverage City, T-175/22 BREZTRI and T 591/22 Polaroid.
Christian regularly deals with IP rights in the context of blockchain technology and the Metaverse. He also speaks often on general IP topics, for instance for the lecture on IP Law at the Munich Business School.
Intellectual Property in virtuellen Welten/Metaverse (speaker) | Bitkom
Intelligentes Brand Marketing? Nudges und Dark Patterns (speaker) | TW Forum Markenrecht
Brand protection in the Web 3.0 and metaverse 'Wild West' | IAM Patent
Web3, Ownership & IP: Read, Write - and Own?! (speaker) | Technische Universität München
Ein Blick ins Metaverse: Brands im 3D Internet der Zukunft (speaker) | Osnabrücker Patenttage
Brands in the Metaverse: The Concept of ‘Interdimensional Confusion’ Between the Physical and the Virtual Space under EU Trade Mark, GRUR Int. 2023, 643 (co-author)
BPatG zu „VR-Perfekt“ – Virtuelle Realität oder Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken?, GRUR-Prax 2023, 395 (co-author)
Gedankliche Verknüpfung bei Übernahme der älteren Marke als selbstständig kennzeichnender Bestandteil eines jüngeren Gesamtzeichens, GRUR-Prax 2023, 267
Seven practical steps to future-proof brand protection in Web 3.0 | World Trademark Review 2023
Blockchain & Innovation Law #2 | European Blockchain Center (speaker)
The virtual Wild West: what brand owners need to know about the metaverse | World Trademark Review Special Report Q1 2023 (co-author)
Genesis Masterclass: IP & Web3 (speaker)
MetaBirkin: Hermès successful in first NFT trade mark trial | MARQUES Class 46
NFTs and Brands in the Metaverse | World Law Group Webinar (speaker)
Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz (Hrsg. Gordian N. Hasselblatt), Abschnitt: Deutsches Markenrecht, C.H. Beck, 6. Auflage 2022 (co-author)
How does the metaverse impact brands? | TW Brands Forum London (speaker)
Kombination rein beschreibender Wort- mit verkehrsüblichen Bildelementen, GRUR-Prax 2022, 605 (co-author)
Into the metaverse: Trade mark protection in the virtual world, ZdiW 2022, 320 (co-author)
EUIPO on virtual goods, NFTs and the Metaverse, MARQUES Class 46
The rise of the metaverse: what it means for brand owners, World Trademark Review Special Report (co-author)
Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen unterschiedlich stilisierten Einzelbuchstabenmarken, GRUR-Prax 2022, 84 (co-author)
Geometric shapes before the EUIPO: sometimes simple is simply not enough, MARQUES Class 46
Auswirkung von Farben auf Unterscheidungskraft von Warenformmarken, GRUR-Prax 2021, 597 (co-author)
Präzisierte Prüfungskriterien für Funktionalität von Warenformmarken, GRUR-Prax 2019, 550
On Puzzles, Functionality and the General Court – No More Fun and Games, MARQUES Class 46
Verbraucherwahrnehmung selbstständig kennzeichnender Bildelemente, GRUR-Prax 2019, 409
Kein generelles Vertriebsverbot hochpreisiger Produkte im Discounter-Umfeld, GRUR-Prax 2019, 235 (co-author)
Anything but ordinary: Where insights from behavioural economics meet the "average consumer" in EU trade mark law, MarkenR 2018, 281-288
Erschöpfungseinwand bei Selektivvertrieb, GRUR-Prax 2018, 578 (co-author)
When brands get blurry: Can empirical research in the field of behavioural economics shed light on the concept of dilution by blurring?, GRUR Int. 2018, 900-907
Inversion of letters: Confusing ro nto?, MARQUES Class 46
Unterlassungsanspruch gegen Vertrieb durch nicht-autorisierte Händler,
GRUR-Prax 2018, 235 (co-author)
Keine Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen BEPOST und POST, GRUR-Prax 2018, 168
Adidas trademark ruling: the three-stripe saga continues, World IP Review
Verwechslungsgefahr zwischen IWEAR und INWEAR, GRUR-Prax 2018, 74
GC: two's company, three's a crowd and four's still not a valid mark, MARQUES Class 46
Master: On fizzy drinks, trade marks, behavioural economics and the principle of territoriality, MARQUES Class 46
Update on the fate of laudatory signs before the General Court, MARQUES Class 46
Bundesgerichtshof: It is not over yet for the packet in the pocket, MARQUES Class 46
Saved by the (R)? General Court decides on the 'LIMBIC(R) SALES' trade mark, MARQUES Class 46
3D-Marke „Zauberwürfel“ laut Generalanwalt nicht schutzfähig, GRUR-Prax 2016, 300
CJEU: El Corte Ingles is lost in translation - or is it?, MARQUES Class 46
Germany: BMW stays ahead of competition, MARQUES Class 46
Unterscheidungskraft mehrdeutiger Begriffe mit Werbecharakter; GRUR-Prax 2015, 370
General Court: Two 'D' or not two 'D', MARQUES Class 46
Greenworld: a great ideal, but is it okay as a brand for fossil energy goods and services?, IPKat
"In-Game Advertising" - Grenzen der Werbemaßnahmen in Computerspielen unter dem Gesichtspunkt des lauterkeitsrechtlichen Verbraucherschutzes, Hamburg, 2013
Die Auslegungshilfe der EU-Kommission zur UGP-Richtlinie – Mehr Orientierung oder neue Stolperfallen?, GRUR-Prax 2010, 95-97 (co-author)
Outstanding Firm
Honoured for the “Europe Impact Case of the Year
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Recommended Lawyer for trade marks
Often recommended for trademark and competition law
Recommended as "key lawyer" for brands & advertising
“very competent trade mark lawyer, service- and solution-oriented, good understanding of the client's products, markets and needs", client
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Rising star
"excellent“, "very well versed in the field”, “strong enthusiasm for trade mark law”
"very versed in processes", "high flyer", competitor
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JUVE Awards 2023: Taylor Wessing named "Law Firm of the Year for IP”
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Yuga prevails in trade mark lawsuit against Ryder Ripps’ Bored Ape NFTs
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par Wiebke Reuter, LL.M. (London) et Dr. Paul Voigt, Lic. en Derecho, CIPP/E
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