Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Christian helps clients secure their brands globally. His practice covers all aspects of trade mark law, including brand clearance, prosecution and enforcement.
Christian manages the trade mark portfolios for some of the world’s leading brands in technology, media, life sciences, luxury and retail. With more than a decade of experience in litigation, he frequently handles high-stakes disputes – especially those involving unconventional marks, trade dress and consumer surveys. His most recent cases include C-832/21 VOGUE, T-175/22 BREZTRI and T-591/22 Polaroid.
Christian is local managing director of Taylor Wessing's Munich office.
Brands in the Metaverse: The Concept of ‘Interdimensional Confusion’ Between the Physical and the Virtual Space under EU Trade Mark (co-author), GRUR Int. 2023, 643-649
German trade marks law (co-author), in: Munich Handbook on Intellectual Property Law, ed. Gordian N. Hasselblatt, C.H. Beck, 6th edition 2022
Anything but ordinary: Where insights from behavioural economics meet the "average consumer" in EU trade mark law, MarkenR 2018, 281-288
INTA (Emerging Issues Committee, Task Force Leader)
GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
Asociación Hispano-Alemana de Juristas (Spanish-German Lawyers’ Association)
Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Outstanding Firm
Honoured for the “Europe Impact Case of the Year
Recommended Lawyer for trade marks
Often recommended for trademark and competition law
Recommended as "key lawyer" for brands & advertising
“very competent trade mark lawyer, service- and solution-oriented, good understanding of the client's products, markets and needs", client
Rising star
"excellent“, "very well versed in the field”, “strong enthusiasm for trade mark law”
"very versed in processes", "high flyer", competitor
Taylor Wessing advises DEUTZ AG on its co-operation with the leading Indian agricultural machinery group TAFE Motors and Tractors Limited
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JUVE Awards 2023: Taylor Wessing named "Law Firm of the Year for IP”
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Giles Crown
par Wiebke Reuter, LL.M. (London) et Rita Fromm, Maître en droit
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