We provide solutions-focused advice to UK and international clients on all aspects of financial services law and regulation. We combine industry knowledge and technical excellence to produce solutions that are both commercial and compliant.
The team advises on domestic and cross-border financial services issues and the impact of global reforms. Our financial services specialists have expert knowledge, relevant in-house and regulator experience and a practical understanding of the financial services industry, its products and regulatory environment. We advise on all aspects of setting up, operating and developing financial services businesses.
On regulatory enforcement matters we work closely with our financial services specialists in our disputes & investigations team.
Domaines d’expertise
services associés Banque et financeConcurrence, UE & commerceCriminalité d’entreprise et conformitéFusions et acquisitions d’entreprises et marchés financiers internationauxDonnées et cybersécuritéRésolution des litigesFiscalitéInstitutions financières et assurance Blockchain FintechEmployment and diversityGovernance and risk managementSustainable finance and investmentHUK-Coburg Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse Kraftfahrender Beamter Deutschlands a. G. in Coburg on the implementation of the new IDD requirements under insurance distribution regulatory law.
ING on all legal issues in the contractual design of its cooperation with AXA.
Press releaseAXA on providing comprehensive advice on the run off of its reinsurance portfolio.
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