Leading individual: Project Finance and Development Practice
Thomas specialises in real estate law. During his twenty-five years of professional experience, he has developed special expertise in contract consulting and the handling of major real estate projects.
His work focuses on complex real estate transactions for national and international clients, with particular emphasis on commercial landlord and tenant law, covering all asset classes, including operated properties. Thomas also advises on all aspects of project development and management, including construction contract, architectural and engineering law, including the BIM planning method.
Rechenzentren und Architektenhonorare, in: BauR - Baurecht 2018, 589 - 594, Heft 4, gemeinsam mit Dr. Christian Werthmüller
Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 2, Rechtswissenschaft. Bd. 2167
Zusätzliche Verwaltungsvergütung und AGB-rechtliche Transparenzenkontrolle bei offenen Immobilienfonds; WM 2010 (co-autor: Matthias Maetschke), 1149 - 1155
Anmerkung zu BGH, U. v. 28.05.2009 - VII ZR 74/06 - (Abrechnung von Stundenlohnarbeiten und wirtschaftliche Betriebsführung), NJW 2009, 3428 - 3429
Die Kündigung von Bauverträgen: Bau-, Architekten-, Bauträger-, Baubetreuungs- und ARGE-Verträge 2004 (co-author: Thomas Stickler), ISBN 3-452-25142-X 2004
Die Kündigung von Bauverträgen: Bau-, Architekten-, Bauträger-, Baubetreuungs- und ARGE-Verträge 2004 (co-autor: Thomas Stickler), ISBN 3-452-25142-X 2004, 2nd edition.
Altlasten in der Gestaltungspraxis gewerblicher Mietverträge, ZflR 2001, 623 - 631
Die Festsetzung von Lärmgrenzwerten in Bebauungsplänen; Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Vienna, 1997. XXVI, 183 S.
Leading individual: Project Finance and Development Practice
Leading individual: Real Estate Law
Leading individual: Real Estate Law
"A man for complex cases", client
Frequently recommended: Real estate law
Leading individual: Construction Law
Leading individual: Project Finance and Development Practice
Leading individual: Real Estate Law
Often recommended lawyer for real estate law
Leading individual: Real Estate Law
Leading individual: Project Financing and Development
Leading individual: Building Law
„Top lawyer, collegial and sovereign“, „very competent and pleasant“, competitor
Leading individual: Real estate law
Lawyer of the year: Project financing and development
Leading individual: Project financing and development
Leading individual: Project Financing and Development
Leading individual: Real Estate Law
Leading individual: Project Financing and Development
Leading individual: Project Financing and Development
CORPUS SIREO Real Estate GmbH on the acquisition of the ZOOM office and commercial property in Berlin from Hines. Corpus Sireo and Swiss Life as asset managers acquired the property for the Bavarian Chamber for Social Benefits and Pensions. The property is a new building in the up-and-coming City West between Bahnhof Zoo and Kurfürstendamm, and has a total area of 16,500 square meters.
by multiple authors
Coronavirus SARS-COV 2 FAQ Problems during the construction process
by multiple authors
by Mark Chan and Gerald Chen
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Nick Warr and Ronald Graham
by Rachel Davison and Josh Eaton