7 December 2020
Taylor Wessing, led by Frankfurt partners Lars-Gerrit Lüßmann and Michael Sinhart, have provided comprehensive legal advice to Provinzial Versicherungsgruppe on a strategic joint venture between Provinzial Asset Management, a subsidiary of the newly merged Provinzial Group, and AIF Capital Group. Banking regulatory aspects were advised by Annerton's Frankfurt team. Project management for the overall transaction was headed by TRE Traction Real Estate under the leadership of Martin Tartsch.
With this strategic partnership, Provinzial intends to optimise its access to alternative investment funds in the German and European investment market.
Provinzial is one of the ten largest insurance companies in Germany. The Provinzial Group manages assets in a total volume of approximately 50 billion euros.
The AIF Capital Group is a real estate manager and specialist in regulated alternative investment funds for institutional investors. The group currently manages assets worth around one billion euros.