Caroline is a partner in the Private Client team and specialises in resolving trust and succession disputes both onshore and offshore. She advises on all manner of contentious issues relating to the formation and administration of trusts, contested probate, professional negligence in respect of tax and trust planning and claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975. She also has significant experience advising trustees and beneficiaries in relation to complex trust applications involving variations, agreed compromises or blessings of the exercise of trustee powers. Recent cases have included proceedings in England, The Bahamas, Bermuda, BVI, France and Jersey.
Caroline’s expertise also includes advising trustees and beneficiaries on issues of trust law arising in the context of divorce proceedings and proceedings in the Court of Protection in relation to the appointment of a deputy, applications for a statutory will or codicil and Deprivation of Liberty matters.
Caroline is described as "superb" (Legal 500 2021), "utterly on top of everything" (Legal 500 2021) and as having "natural good judgement, is incredibly diligent and never misses anything" (Legal 500 2020).
Next generation partner
Band 4 individual
Contentious trusts and probate - Ranked: Caroline Tayler – highly intelligent, thorough, knowledgeable litigator with outstanding judgment‘. ‘I work with partners Kirstie McGuigan and Caroline Tayler. They are quite simply brilliant: clever, sensible, and intuitive. They work all hours and nothing escapes their notice. They manage their time efficiently and take careful note of deadlines and points of detail’.
The Court Appointed Administrators of a substantial and complex estate comprising assets held in trust structures and nominee arrangements across the UK, Mauritius, Isle of Man and Dubai and requiring proceedings in multiple jurisdictions.
The independent trustee of a charity which is the residuary beneficiary of a complex and potentially insolvent estate in respect of its interest in the context of multiple-sets of proceedings including undue influence and capacity claims.
A beneficiary in respect of her claims to an estate comprising assets in Switzerland, UK and US involving a Jersey trust structure and Panama foundation. Proceedings have been issued to date in England, Jersey and France.
A Bahamian corporate trustee in respect of claims made by a beneficiary in respect of trusts worth GBP100m+.
A Bahamian corporate trustee on defending the trustee's papers from disclosure under subject access requests made pursuant to the Data Protection Act 1998. The Court of Appeal's landmark judgment was handed down in February 2017 (Dawson-Damer v Taylor Wessing [2017] EWCA Civ 74).
作者 John Sweeney