Frequently recommended lawyer for Succession, Wealth, Foundations
As a proven tax law expert, Jens clearly prioritises the economic goals of his clients when giving advice. In client matters which often have an international dimension, he primarily advises family owned businesses and their shareholders, high net worth individuals, family offices and foundations. Jens leads the practice area Tax.
A significant focus lies on succession planning, structuring of assets or holding vehicles and trust and foundations. Furthermore, he advises on tax structuring of corporate and real estate transactions as well as restructurings. His expertise is illustrated by numerous publications and lectures. He is also active as honorary professor for tax law at the University of Leipzig and as a lecturer in the master's programme "Inheritance Law & Business Succession" at the University of Münster.
Wo der Bundesfinanzhof den Gestaltungsspielraum erweitert hat, in: private banking magazin, 07/22 (together with Dr Cornelia Maetschke-Biersack)
Schulden einer vermögensverwaltenden Immobilien-PersGes. als Teilentgelt bei einer Anteilsschenkung?, in: DB, 2023
Errichtung und Mehrwert eines eigenen Family Offices, in: Börsen-Zeitung, 07/2021
Der Familienpool als Nachfolgeinstrument (Teil 2): Gründung und Vermögenseinbringung, in: ZErb 2021, p. 85-94, (together with Ansgar Beckervordersandfort)
Der Familienpool als Nachfolgeinstrument (Teil 1), in: ZErb 2021, p. 49-60, (together with Ansgar Beckervordersandfort)
Stimmrechtsbindung und Poolverträge im Familienverbund, in: Wachter (Hrsg.), Fachanwaltshandbuch Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 5. Aufl. 2020 (together with Maximilian Haag)
Schenkung von Anteilen an vermögensverwaltenden Personengesellschaften als privates Veräußerungsgeschäft?, in DStR 2020, p. 2478-2480, (together with Dr. Philipp Weiten)
Beistandsleistungen zwischen Körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts, MwStR 2020, p. 961
Vermögenserhalt durch Familienpool, in: Beckervordersandfort (Hrsg.), Gestaltungen zum Erhalt des Familienvermögens, 2. Aufl. 2020, p. 211 ff.
Anteilsschenkung als Veräußerungsvorgang? Zugleich Anmerkung zum Urteil des FG Köln vom 10.10.2018 – 9 K 3049/15 (EFG 2019 S. 1976), Steuerboard Handelsblatt, July 2020
Aktuelles zur Wegzugsbesteuerung gem. § 6 AStG, BB 2020, 540, together with Patrick Grzella
"Finanzministerium plant verschärfte Wegzugsbesteuerung", private banking magazin 24.01.2020
Wegzugsbesteuerung natürlicher Personen (§ 6 AStG) – Drastische Verschärfung geplant, Handelsblatt 01/2020
Canessa, Escher, Koeberle-Schmid, Preller,Weber, The Family Office – A practical guide to strategically and operationally managing family wealth, 2019
The Legal 500: Private Client Country Comparative Guide, The Legal 500 & The Inhouse Lawyer (publisher), 19.12.2017, together with Axel Godron
Private Clients: Chapter Germany, in: Private Clients 2013, Getting the Deal through, 2012, p. 37-41 (with Dr. Andreas Richter, Christian Lange)
Private Client: Chapter Germany, in: The Private Wealth & Private Client Review, 2012, p. 112-119 (with Dr. Andreas Richter)
Country Questions and Answers: Germany, in: The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Private Client 2012, 67 ff. (with Dr. Andreas Richter)
Introduction of a New Inheritance and Gift Tax Law in Germany, in: The Offshore & International Taxation Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3, 2010, 15 ff. (with Dr. Andreas Richter)
Introduction of a Flat Tax on Capital Income in Germany, in: Trust Quarterly Review (TQR), 2008, 18 ff. (with mit Dr. Andreas Richter)
German Exit Taxation, in: Trust Quarterly Review (TQR) 2007, 17 f. (with Dr. Andreas Richter)
Frequently recommended lawyer for Succession, Wealth, Foundations
Frequently recommended lawyer for wealthy individuals and foundations
Private Wealth Law – Band 3: „Known by market commentators for his technical capabilities surrounding tax-related matters.”
"Jens Escher is an outstanding tax expert with practice-orientated solutions for structuring. He also has expertise in international law."
Key lawyer: Private Clients and Nonprofits
Frequently recommended lawyer for succession/assets/foundations
'"very precise and thorough, develops viable solutions for complex and international issues in business succession", client
Law Firm of the Year for Succession, Wealth, Foundations
''Frequently recommended lawyer for succession/assets/foundations
"excellent advisor in internat. Tax law", competitor