Global Data Hub – 15 / 17 观点
We have a fresh batch of content on our Taylor Wessing Global Data Hub site which provides you with insight and guidance on data privacy issues.
We look at the impact of the GDPR on life sciences data and at particular issues with using personal data in clinical trials, connected devices and life sciences AI.
Debbie Heywood takes a high level look at aspects of the GDPR which are particularly relevant to private sector life sciences businesses.
Jo Joyce discusses finding the balance between better data and best practice for data privacy in clinical trials and medical device testing.
Mary Rendle considers the challenges of finding the right lawful basis to process personal data for clinical trials.
Vin Bange and Lucie Audibert look at some of the GDPR compliance stress points in connected medical devices.
Jean-David Behlow looks at the growth of AI, machine learning and data analytics in the UK healthcare sector and at key data protection compliance issues.
Thanos Rammos looks at the approach of regulators, with a focus on Germany, to the use of personal data in life sciences and healthcare.
Helen Farr looks at the data protection implications of the EU Whistleblowing Directive and whistleblower hotlines more generally.
作者 Helen Farr
Anna Taylor and Jo Joyce look at the data sharing requirements for the proposed pensions dashboard and resulting data protection considerations.
作者 Anna Taylor, Jo Joyce
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