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Adrian specialises in Polish and EU competition law, including merger control, antitrust, unfair commercial practices, payment delays and consumer protection issues.
His experience includes the preparation of merger control notifications to the Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (“UOKiK”), preparing complaints to the UOKiK as well as to the European Commission and assisting in proceedings before the UOKiK. He advises on the commercial strategy applied by dominant undertakings as well as on antitrust aspects of cooperation between undertakings and conducts antitrust legal audits.
Adrian is a regular speaker at international conferences organized in Europe and the United States. In 2023, Adrian has been appointed to the board of the Competition Law Association.
“The Polish Competition Authority annuls a decision sanctioning an alleged cartel of major mobile telecom operators for cooperating in connection with tender proceedings (Mobile TV / ITF)”, Art. No. 94834 (, e-Competitions September 2015, 23 September 2015
“Into the grey zone, What do we (don’t) know about types of concentration?”, Yearbook of Antimonopoly and Regulatory Studies (forthcoming)
Chapter on merger control in: “Polskie prawo antymonopolowe. Zarys wykładu” (“Polish antitrust law. Outline of the lecture”), textbook edited by Professor Cezary Banasiński, Warsaw, 2018
Board member of the Competition Law Association
Warsaw Bar Association
Academic Society for Competition Law
Polish Competition Law Association
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