Henning advises companies on commercial law disputes as well as on product liability and product safety law. He primarily works for companies in the consumer goods, pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors and the automotive industry.
Henning represents companies before German courts and arbitration tribunals or advises them on the strategic coordination of international litigation and in connection with US lawsuits. He also advises German and foreign companies on regulatory product compliance and recall scenarios.
Product Liability in Germany, in: The International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability, 14th Edition, 2016, Chapter 13, with Dr. Philipp Behrendt
Produkthaftung für potenziell fehlerhaftes Medizinprodukt - Anmerkung zum EuGH-Urteil in Sachen Boston Scientific / AOK Sachsen-Anhalt, in: NJW 2015, p. 1163 et seq.
EuGH – Zur Vereinbarkeit des deutschen Arzneimittelhaftungsrechts mit der EU-Produkthaftungsrichtlinie, Anmerkung zu Schlussanträgen des Generalanwalts Maciej Szpunar, in: PharmR 2014, p. 351 et seq.
Arzneimittelhaftung, in: Handbuch des Pharmarechts, 2010, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Voit
Amtshaftung der EU-Kommission wegen Meldungen über Produktgefahren im EU-Schnellwarnsystem?, in: Stoffrecht 2004, p. 237 et seq.
Zur Umsetzung der Hersteller– und Kennzeichnungspflichten nach der neuen Produktsicherheitsrichtlinie in Deutschland und in anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten, in: Stoffrecht 2004, p. 176 et seq.
Verschärfter Regulierungsrahmen für Arzneimittelgroßhändler, Hersteller und pharmazeutische Unternehmer durch die 12. AMG-Novelle, in: Pharmarecht 2004, p. 248 et seq.
Kausalitätsnachweis und Substantiierungslast im Arzneimittelhaftungsprozess, in: Stoffrecht 2004, p. 75 et seq., with Dr. Michael Melber
Verschärfung und Neuordnung des Produktsicherheitsrechts durch den Entwurf des Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetzes, in: Produkthaftung International PHI 2003, p. 210 ff., with Dr Dirk Mecklenbrauck
“leading in life sciences”, competitor
Frequently recommended lawyer for pharmaceutical and medical product law
Frequently recommended lawyer for healthcare - Hospitals, MVZs and pharmacies
Frequently recommended lawyer for litigation
Global Elite Thought Leader: Germany - Product Liability Defence
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Life Sciences
Global Elite Thought Leader: Germany - Life Sciences - Product Liability
Thought Leader: Germany - Life Sciences
Leading individual: Product Liability Litigation
Recommended lawyer for Conflict resolution: Commercial Litigation
Leading Individual for product compliance
Frequently recommended lawyer for Product liability
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Commercial Litigation
Thought Leaders Global Elite - Life Sciences - Product Liability 2023
Thought Leaders - Germany - Life Sciences 2023
Global Leader - Product Liability Defence
National Leader - Germany - Life Sciences 2023
Thought Leaders Global Elite - Life Sciences - Product Liability
National Leaders - Germany - Product Liability Defence
Thought Leaders - Germany - Product Liability Defence
Representing AstraZeneca in all product liability proceedings relating to its COVID-19 vaccine in Germany.
Defending Volkswagen in German courts against a five-digit number of consumer claims relating to NOx emissions from Diesel vehicles.
International lead counsel of German manufacturer Grünenthal defending claims alleging congenital malformations from the use of thalidomide in pregnancy.
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
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par Megan Howarth
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
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