“pragmatic and practice-oriented consulting approach”, competitor
Donata advises and represents companies on complex matters under civil law in national and international arbitration proceedings as well as before German courts. She has successfully represented her clients in a number of arbitration proceedings, inter alia, under ICC, DIS, CEAC, UNCITRAL rules as well as in ad-hoc proceedings at different places of arbitration and in accordance with varying legal systems. Donata regularly sits as an arbitrator.
Her practice includes providing advice on all matters relating to commercial law, sales law, and distribution law. In addition, she advises her clients on all questions relating to product liability and product safety. As a founding member of the expert committee “Legal Aspects of Additive Manufacturing” of the Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, VDI) she focuses on the legal challenges arising from the 3d printing technology. Donata regularly speaks on topical issues related to arbitration, product liability, and product safety.
Since 2021 Donata is a member of the Board of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS).
Vollziehung einer schiedsrichterlichen einstweiligen Maßnahme, in IWRZ: 2021/1, 44f.
AGB-rechtliche Fragen beim Einsatz von KI, Kapitel in: Rechtshandbuch Artificial Intelligence und Machine Learning, Kaulartz / Braegelmann (Hrsg.), 2020
Schneller, effizienter, internationaler: Was bedeutet die Reform der DIS-Schiedsordnung für die Praxis?, in: JUVE Handbuch 2019/2020
German Chapter in Chambers Global Practical Guide Product Liability & Safety 2019 and 2020, together with Dr. Henning Moelle and Dr. Philipp Behrendt
Hamburg – A German Hotspot for Arbitration, in: SchiedsVZ 2019, 81-85
German Chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to: International Arbitration 2018 and 2019, together with Peter Bert
Blockchain – A Suitable Tool for Arbitration?, in: PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #18, Februar 2019
Die ganze Bandbreite im Blick behalten – Eine Rechtsprechungsübersicht zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Praxis des Produkthaftungsrechts, in Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, Ausgabe 09, gemeinsam mit Dr. Philipp Behrendt
3D Printing – What Does it Mean for Product Liability? A European Law Perspective, in: DRI 2015, Vol. 11 Issue 12
Auf dem Weg zur Class Action in Europa? in: RIW 2014, 253-259, gemeinsam mit Dr. Philipp Behrendt
“pragmatic and practice-oriented consulting approach”, competitor
Frequently recommended lawyer for litigation
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Product Liability Defence
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Arbitration
Leading individual: International Arbitration
Leading individual: Litigation
Leading individual: Product Liability Litigation
Leading individual: Arbitration and Mediation
Recommended lawyer for Conflict resolution: Commercial Litigation
Up and Coming: Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel
"She always gives a thoughtful and pragmatic approach to the case and gives us a lot of confidence."
Donata Freiin von Enzberg represents clients in ICC arbitrations, with focus on energy and corporate matters.
"She is very efficient and commercially minded."
Top lawyer for arbitration
Frequently recommended lawyer for Product liability
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Commercial Litigation
Future Leader - Partner: Germany - Arbitration
Leading individual: Arbitration and Mediation
Leading individual: International Arbitration
Global Leader - Product Liability Defence
Representing a Swiss-German firm in substantial arbitration proceedings against a Thai counterparty relating to breaches of a joint venture agreement. Proceedings were seated in Singapore and brought under the UNCITRAL rules, administered by SIAC.
Representing an Austrian manufacturer in ICC arbitration proceedings against a Canadian customer relating to alleged faults in production equipment. Proceedings were subject to Swiss law and conducted in Zurich.
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Tool Box on Arbitral Institutions
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New Look, New Rules: The Swiss Arbitration Centre and the Swiss Rules 2021
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by Julia Siedhoff and Dr. Hendrik Boss
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by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
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by Katie Chandler and Samantha Brendish
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