We have a fresh batch of content on our Taylor Wessing Download site which provides insights into the legal implications of the latest media and technology developments.
The spaces between MedTech, HealthTech, LifestyleTech (which we are loosely calling 'BodyTech' – and if we've invented a new vertical, we'll take the credit), are increasingly blurred, both in terms of what the devices do and how they are regulated. The legal issues are, however, very similar and involve the familiar tension between regulation and innovation.
Kate Armstrong looks at the trends and issues around BodyTech and its subsets.
Paul England looks at the advances in neural prosthetics.
Katie Chandler considers some of the product liability issues around health and lifestyle technology.
Paul England takes the example of neural prosthetics to demonstrate the way BodyTech devices can be regulated and protected.
Tasmina Goraya and Tim Worden look at when lifestyle apps cross into the realm of medical devices.