In this online seminar you'll learn about impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on international supply chains. We will talk about the aftermath in regards to future management decisions. Our experts will present possible solutions and point out innovative new ideas how to deal with the situation at hand. Your benefits are:
- Learn about the necessary changes in supply-chain management.
- You'll get practical advice concerning the changes to be made in regards to risk and compliance.
- Insight on how and when you can get out of existing obligations.
- Contracts and clauses to cope with the new situation are presented.
Stress test pandemic
- Adverse effects on the supply chain
- Supply chain risk management and modern corporate risk prevention
- Suitable qualitative and quantitative approaches for pandemic events (scenario analysis
and simulations, Monte Carlo simulations, Business Wargaming)
- The compliance view
New contracts within the supply chain
- Vendor managed/Customer managed inventory
- Consignments, concessions, commissions
- Shop-in-shop, Franchise, Plattforms
- Tools and know-how
- Pooling
Changes to existing contracts and systems
- Termination options
- Legal consequences and obstacles
Registration and detailed information