With an investment volume of more than EUR 17.3 billion, 2021 was a record year for the venture capital scene in Germany. Compared to the previous year, the investment volume more than tripled.
Among other transactions, the successful German venture capital group of the international law firm Taylor Wessing was involved in 10 of the 20 largest financing rounds in Germany by investment volume in 2021.
Advice by Taylor Wessing's German venture capital group in 2021 included in particular the following (published) transactions:
Members of the venture capital group of Taylor Wessing Germany: Lead Dr. Jens Wolf (Partner, Hamburg/Berlin), Maria Weiers (Partner, Duesseldorf), Dr. Philip Cavaillès (Partner, Munich), Dr. Peter Hellich (Partner, Munich), Dr. Norman Röchert (Partner, Berlin), Dr. Gregor Schmid (Partner, Berlin), Hassan Sohbi (Partner, Frankfurt), Dr. Sonja Leutnant (Salary Partner, Duesseldorf), Dr. Daniel Schrembs (Salary Partner, Munich), Dr. Niclas von Woedtke (Salary Partner, Hamburg), Philipp Hoegl (Senior Associate, Hamburg), Dr. Marcel Leines (Senior Associate, Duesseldorf), Felipe Villena (Senior Associate, Frankfurt), Alicia Müller (Associate, Munich), Nora Safa (Associate, Munich), Fritz Krings (Associate, Munich), Moritz Meyer-Bruhns (Associate, Berlin), dr. iur. (PPKE) László Molnár (Associate, Hamburg), Till Schwichtenberg (Associate, Munich), Philipp Seimel (Associate, Frankfurt)