Taylor Wessing has advised Glenmark, the Mumbai-headquartered pharmaceutical company, on the sale of its central nervous system (CNS) product portfolio business in Poland.
The portfolio has been sold to Neuraxpharm Group, a leading European specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of CNS disorders.
The Glenmark CNS commercial team in Poland has also joined Neuraxpharm Polska’s existing sales and marketing organisation to create a strong player in the Polish CNS market.
Glenmark’s established portfolio of 20 proprietary CNS products comprise both prescription medicines and Consumer Healthcare products. Lead products include the branded generics Cital® and Lamotrix®, both relevant brands in their respective markets.
This complex transaction drew on the deep expertise offered by the firm’s market-leading life sciences M&A practice including lawyers from both the corporate and intellectual property teams.
Commenting on the deal, Emma Danks, Co-head of International Corporate at Taylor Wessing said:
The team was led by corporate partner Emma Danks and intellectual property partner Colin McCall with the support of corporate associate Nick Karangizi and intellectual property associate Lucy Sharples in the United Kingdom.
In addition, partner Graham Samuel-Gibbon and associate Madison Lawler advised on tax, and partner Jason Rawkins and associate Simon Jupp advised on intellectual property matters.
Further advice was given by corporate partner Olav Nemling, employment partner Krystian Stanasiuk, tax counsel Marcin Sroga, intellectual property senior associate Dr.Agnieszka Sztoldman in Poland and corporate partner Janka Brezaniova in the Czech Republic.
Za českou část se na transakci podílela Janka Brezániová, partnerka Taylor Wessing Česká republika, se svým týmem. Brezániová komentuje:
Tato komplexní přeshraniční transakce poskytla Taylor Wessing příležitost využít své rozsáhlé expertizy a zkušeností v sektoru Life Sciences, ať již co se týká oblasti fúzí a akvizic, korporátního práva nebo práva duševního vlastnictví. Na transakci se podíleli týmy Taylor Wessing ze Spojeného království Velké Británie a Severního Irska, Polska a České republiky.
作者 Emma Danks 以及 Suzy Davis
作者 Colin McCall 以及 Charlie Adams