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Series: Law: sustainable – 2 de 3 Publications

Sustainability, climate change, environment and the circular economy

An overview of our series: Law: Sustainable

  • In-depth analysis
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Law: Sustainable

The terms climate change and environment are among the buzzwords of our time. Topics related to sustainability and the circular economy are also more important than ever. In addition to major social and economic challenges, these terms also conceal a whole range of new legal issues and framework conditions.

Adapting to climate change and better protecting our environment through a consistent orientation towards generally applicable sustainability standards and the promotion of the circular economy places high and diverse demands on our society and economy, not least on companies. Legal frameworks and requirements are constantly changing and, in addition to continuous monitoring, require a high degree of flexibility and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

Our publication series on sustainability, climate change, environment and the circular economy takes these requirements into account: We interlink our expertise across legal fields and sectors with the aim of providing comprehensive information on the diverse and dynamically developing legal aspects.
In line with our full service approach, we explicitly consider topics at legal interfaces.

We hope you enjoy reading the series!

Dans cette série

Environmental, social & governance (ESG)

ESG – What can we expect in 2022

Series: Law: Sustainable

22 February 2022


Sustainability, climate change, environment and the circular economy

An overview of our series: Law: Sustainable

par plusieurs auteurs

Banque et finance

ESG considerations for private equity and venture capital fund managers

16 February 2022

par plusieurs auteurs

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