'Christine Weyand is an absolute expert in the field of construction law, whose many years of experience both in litigation and in advising on contract negotiations provide valuable support for our activities in the construction sector. For large construction projects, she works closely with Dr. Janina Pochhammer, a specialist in plant construction. The cooperation with her colleagues is always effective, constructive and professional.'
Christine is a specialist lawyer for construction law and architect's law as well as a qualified mediator for construction disputes.
She is furthermore member of the legislative committee for private construction and architects' law of the German Bar Association. For more than 23 years, she has supported national and international clients, including numerous global players, in large and complex construction projects, advising them on all questions relating to construction contract law, architect's and engineer's law. In this context, she advises on the entire life cycle from the drafting and negotiation of the relevant contracts to the implementation and execution of the project, including project-related dispute resolution and claims management.
Moreover, Christine has longstanding experience in advising clients in and out of court on matters regarding defects of construction work and building defects and deficiencies. Her clients primarily include companies from the chemical, pharmaceutical and logistics industry, and the real estate investment sector. In addition, she gives client trainings and teaches courses on contract law, construction law, and architect's law.
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Mitglied im Ausschuss Stadtentwicklung des Zentralen Immobilienausschuss (ZIA) e.V.
Mitglied des Gesetzgebungsausschusses des Deutschen Anwaltsvereins für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V.
Deutscher Anwaltsverein
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bau- und Architektenrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein
'Christine Weyand is an absolute expert in the field of construction law, whose many years of experience both in litigation and in advising on contract negotiations provide valuable support for our activities in the construction sector. For large construction projects, she works closely with Dr. Janina Pochhammer, a specialist in plant construction. The cooperation with her colleagues is always effective, constructive and professional.'
"Christine Weyand is an absolute expert in the field of construction law, whose many years of experience both in litigation and in advising on contract negotiations provide valuable support for our activities in the construction sector. For large construction projects, she works closely with Dr. Janina Pochhammer, a specialist in plant construction. The cooperation with her colleagues is always effective, constructive and professional."
CORPUS SIREO Real Estate GmbH on the acquisition of the ZOOM office and commercial property in Berlin from Hines. Corpus Sireo and Swiss Life as asset managers acquired the property for the Bavarian Chamber for Social Benefits and Pensions. The property is a new building in the up-and-coming City West between Bahnhof Zoo and Kurfürstendamm, and has a total area of 16,500 square meters.