Verena has in-depth experience in any kind of Compliance related topics. She will, amongst others, advise national and international clients in the design and implementation of compliance management systems including risk analysis, in the preparation, ongoing review and updating of compliance manuals and compliance guidelines as well as in the preparation and implementation of compliance trainings. She has particular expertise in ESG rating processes. Another focus of her practice is advising clients on antitrust and competition law issues in Austria and Europe.
Stagl/Stimmler, Civil Law Implications of the "Supply Chain Due Diligence Legislation", ecolex 2023/165
Interim injunction to oppose a resolved liquidation; commentary re OGH 24 July 2019, 6 Ob 119/19x, GesRZ 2020/58
Offsetting against an enrichment claim due to repayment of a prohibited return of equity; commentary re OGH 21 December 2017, 6 Ob 206/17p, GesRZ 2018/125
Compulsory penalty pursuant to Section 283 Austrian general corporate law (Unternehmensgesetzbuch, UGB) against an insolvent managing director of a limited liability company (GmbH); commentary re OGH 27 February 2017, 6 Ob 20/17k, GesRZ 2017/180
Austrian Compliance Officer Association
Vienna Bar Association
Revolution in AML regulations - 10 key changes introduced by the EU AML Package
Taylor Wessing advised MULTIVAC on its investment in BayWa Venture GmbH and the establishment of an AgriFoodTech venture alliance between BayWa, Bindewald and Gutting Mühlengruppe and MULTIVAC