Data export - are the new rules of the Beijing Free Trade Zone a breakthrough?
Regional Scheme: A Better Way to Export Data from China?
AI, lawful bases, transparency and fairness: how to thread the GDPR needle | Tech Me Up! Session #4
Tech Me Up! Session #4
The autopilot’s fault? Who is liable when AI fails? | Tech Me Up! Session #3
Tech Me Up! Session #3
Who owns the output? Generative AI and intellectual property considerations | Tech Me Up! Session #2
Tech Me Up! Session #2
China In & Out - data protection and cybersecurity in China
Europe is abuzz with discussions on the largest GDPR fine ever, while in China, a failed cybersecurity review of a foreign enterprise made the headlines. Could a fine like this also happen in China?
China: A practical insight into China SCCs and their impact on businesses
Michael Tan, Julian Sun, Paul Voigt and Wiebke Reuter look at what China's new SCCs mean for businesses looking to export personal data from China to the EU.
Challenges in Following the New PRC Data Export Assessment Procedures
China: SCCs and their implementation
PRC Data Protection Law: How an effective Compliance Management System may help to reduce liabilities
New Data Rules Targeting Manufacturing Business
Indication of timeframes under PRC data protection framework