As Taylor Wessing's General Counsel in the Benelux, I advise our board on strategy, risk management and office policies, and provide legal advice on claims and contracts.
Ilse is highly valued for her outstanding analytical skills and ability to think outside the box. With her innate gift for understanding new kinds of technology, she has played a key role in multiple high profile pharmaceutical patent proceedings and noteworthy cross-border litigation before the Dutch court in her previous role as Intellectual Property attorney at law.
As of 2023, she is in charge of the legal affairs within Taylor Wessing Benelux, advising the board on strategy, innovation projects, risk management and office policies.
Wat te doen met de proceskosten uit kort geding na een andersluidend bodemvonnis? IEF 14656, 13 February 2015
Overzicht van actuele ontwikkelingen op het terrein van het intellectuele eigendomsrecht, Juridisch Up to Date, 1 November 2014
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Marie Keup
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Verena Bertram
par plusieurs auteurs
par Louise Popple