“experienced financial advisor”, “very competent”, competitor
Hendrik specialises in advising banks and international financial investors in their capacity as creditors or investors in crisis situations. With extensive industry knowledge and his many years of experience, he advises national and international companies on their financial restructurings and on preparing orderly insolvency proceedings, in particular, protective shield proceedings.
He has been advising a number of renowned insolvency administrators, especially on questions regarding the avoidance of their own liability when selling companies and taking out debtor loans. Moreover, Hendrik has been appointed to sit on creditors’ committees on a regular basis. Boss/Luttmann/Saueressig/Prasch, Zum personellen Anwendungsbereich der Anfechtung von (mittelbaren) Gesellschafterdarlehen nach § 135 InsO: Roma locuta, causa finita?, Der SanierungsBerater (SanB) 2020, S. 124 ff.
Boss/Luttmann, Luftfahrtunternehmen in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Auswirkungen der Luftverkehrsdienste-VO auf (i) die Zahlungsunfähigkeit nach § 17 InsO sowie (ii) die Prognose zur Beseitigung der Zahlungsunfähigkeit nach dem COVID-19-Insolvenzaussetzungsgesetz, Der SanierungsBerater (SanB) 2020, S. 47 ff.
Boss/Luttmann/Saueressig, Erwägungen zu einem restrukturierungsspezifischen Haftungskonzept des zukünftigen Restrukturierungsbeauftragten, Der SanierungsBerater (SanB) 2020, S. 9 ff.
Boss/Luttmann, in: Morgen (Hrsg.), Präventive Restrukturierung (RWS-Verlag), Materieller Regelungsgehalt des Art. 6 (Rn. 1 – 85); Auswirkungen des Moratoriums auf gegenseitige Verträge sowie entsprechende Lösungsklauseln (Art. 7 Rn. 85 – 117).
The International Insolvency Laws Review 2014
The International Insolvency Laws Review 2013
“experienced financial advisor”, “very competent”, competitor
Frequently recommended lawyer for restructuring and insolvency law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Restructuring & Insolvency
Leading individual: Restructuring and Insolvency Law
Leading individual: Corporate Law
"Fighter in restructuring mandates with a very good understanding of economics and the ability to find solutions."
"Very tough negotiation, assertive."
Key lawyer for Restructuring
Frequently recommended lawyer for restructuring and insolvency law
"Very valued colleague, assertive and tough negotiator, but fair in the matter", competitor
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Restructuring & Insolvency
Leading individual: Restructuring and Insolvency Law
Leading individual: Corporate Law
'Excellent legal advice in all major areas of law; strong in litigation'.
'A very dynamic, experienced advisor who also identifies pragmatic solutions in difficult situations. He is characterised by a high level of commitment to his clients.'
'Excellent technical knowledge; international experience; very good negotiation skills and judgement.'
Frequently recommended lawyer for restructuring and insolvency law
"experienced & prudent banking advisor", competitor
Leading individual: Restructuring and insolvency law
'Quick on the uptake, very pragmatic.'
Acting for the management of a stock corporation active in the automotive sector on the restructuring of the entire group and on the sale of non-performing European, African and South American companies and the sale of US and Japanese insolvency assets.
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