
3 avril 2023

6 Publications

6 Publications

Consumers are increasingly looking at the 'green' credentials of businesses, brands, products and services. This has led to some businesses exaggerating their green claims – a process known as 'greenwashing'. We look at the EU's new proposals for tackling this, and at how to avoid greenwashing in advertising across the UK and key EU jurisdictions under current regulatory frameworks.

Green Claims Directive: EU to set strict minimum criteria for communication and substantiation of environmental claims

Daniel Wiemann looks at the EC's proposals for tackling greenwashing.

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The risks of making environmental advertising claims

Timothy Pinto looks at recent ASA decisions on greenwashing in the context of the UK's regulatory framework.

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Green Advertising in Germany – making carbon neutral claims

Andreas Bauer looks at rules around making carbon neutral claims and analyses recent German case law.

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The French regulatory arsenal against greenwashing: challenging times for marketers making environmental claims

Marc Schuler and Hugo Khalfallaoui look at the regulatory approach to greenwashing in France.

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Dutch Advertising Code Committee tightens rules for sustainability claims

Margot van Gerwen and Nick Strous look at the new Dutch Sustainability Advertising Code.

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Checklist for green claims in Austria

Martin Prohaska-Marchried and Martina Stranzinger provide the top 15 points for marketers to consider when making green claims in advertising in Austria.

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