'Femtech' funding – challenges and opportunities
Alexandra Richardson and Phil Shepherd look at the issues facing femtech funding and at the potential for growth.
3 de 5 Publications
'Femtech' – getting data protection right in health apps
Debbie Heywood looks at privacy issues with femtech apps and at how getting compliance right can help address some of the issues of bias in digital health products.
4 de 5 Publications
'Femtech' – a market with a bright future and challenging terminology
Jo Joyce with Marija Butkovic, the founder and CEO of Women of Wearables, look at the evolution of 'femtech'.
2 de 5 Publications
'Femtech' – regulatory considerations
Tasmina Goraya looks at the application of medical device and healthcare law to femtech products and services.
5 de 5 Publications
Hospitals: Increasing demands on IT security
Increasing risk of attacks from cyberspace
When Health and Technology meet Law – Digital Health @ Taylor Wessing
How UK-Israeli collaboration could change the face of global healthtech
mHealth apps – top tips for GDPR compliance
A new era for digital health in Germany
Global Data Hub - Health data
Targeted treatments – Part 4: patenting digital devices
Important advances are being driven by digital communications technology, particularly in the medical devices sector.
5 de 6 Publications