The GDPR is an important tool in protecting privacy but it's only one element and relates specifically to personal data. We look at a range of legal options which can be used to protect privacy and corporate reputation, at how they increasingly interact, and at their relationship to what is often the other side of the coin - freedom of expression and information.
Timothy Pinto looks at the use of the GDPR to prevent the publication of media content or to remove content which has already been published.
Michael Yates considers whether NDAs are still an effective tool to prevent the disclosure of claims made of alleged wrongdoing as part of and when settling litigation.
Debbie Heywood looks at the development and extent of the EU right to have personal data erased.
Michael Yates and Louise Popple look at reputation management in the wake of a data breach.
Dr Dirk Wieddekind considers whether Germany remains a claimant friendly jurisdiction for interim injunctions in privacy and defamation cases.