30 July 2019
Recent Developments in the European Gaming Industry – 2 of 1 Insights
Details of new EUR 50m subsidy expected to be published this autumn Application period for de-minimis subsidies now open until 30 August 2019 Germany offers a system of state (“Länder”) and federal level subsidies for computer games. The amount of subsidies has often been criticized as being far too low compared to other industries (such as film) and other countries (such as public funding available in Canada, France or the UK). Finally in 2018 the federal government introduced plans to implement a EUR 50m subsidy per year for the game industry. Details are expected to be published in autumn 2019. In the meantime, game companies can now apply for a de-minimis subsidy until 30 August 2019. The following article briefly outlines the expected new subsidy regime, as well as other currently available subsidy mechanisms.
If the criteria are fulfilled, and the required minimum amount of points under the cultural test is reached, the subsidy shall be granted automatically without further conditions. Currently, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is coordinating the exact prerequisites and initiating the notification procedure with the European Commission. It remains to be seen what further details the actual guidelines, once published, entail. Current discussions While the plans have been announced by the German Government, recent discussions criticized that the federal budget for 2020 does not expressly include the EUR 50m funding amount. Accordingly, industry representatives are lobbying for the subsidy to finally enter into law.
In contrast to the large volume subsidy, and to bridge the gap until the large subsidy finally enters into force, the Government has recently introduced a de-minimis subsidy for computer games of up to EUR 200.000. Applications can be handed in anytime now until 30 August 2019. The de-minimis -subsidy does not need to be notified to the EU Commission. Who can apply? Companies requesting the subsidy must develop digital games or interactive content and have their seat, a permanent establishment or a branch office in Germany. The subsidy is not available for private persons, single purpose companies or partnerships. What amounts are available, what are the conditions, and for which games is funding be available? The subsidy is available for the development of prototypes and the production of the computer game. The grant is paid out as a non-refundable amount and can cover up to a maximum of 200.000 Euro, representing up to a maximum of 50% of the eligible project costs. Startups and small companies can get a bonus of 20%, medium sized companies a bonus of 10%. Eligible project costs include: costs of personnel, costs for subcontractors up to a certain amount, costs for hard- and software specifically acquired for the project, project-specific overhead costs (rent, legal costs etc.), and license fees. At the time the application is made, the project may not have been commenced. How to apply? There is a two-step application process with the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. Firstly, the applicant has to provide a project sketch, which is reviewed. In the event of a positive assessment, a more formal application for the subsidy has to be made. Eligible companies can submit applications until 30 August 2019 at the Ministry. Further details can be found here.
State (“Länder”) subsidies Currently, other available sources of subsidies exist mainly at state (“Länder”) level. A number of German states have introduced specific subsidy programs for computer games. The following institutions at state level provide public subsidies for games in Germany:
The available amounts are however limited: According to a fairly recent study, total subsidies available at German state level amount to EUR 3m per year, and usually the amount of public subsidy for a single games project in Germany is no higher than EUR 200,000. The largest state subsidies currently available are provided by Bavaria and North Rhine Westphalia, each with an amount of up to EUR 500.000. State level subsidies are usually granted on a per-project basis in the form of limited recourse loans, i.e. the loans will only have to be repaid if the game is successful. Often, the funding organisations give precedence to applicants situated in the federal state where the respective funding organisation is based. Others require successful applicants to spend the entire subsidy amount in the federal state of the funding organisation. The German Computer Games Awards At federal level, and apart from the de-minimis subsidy mentioned above which is already in force, the only relevant subsidy is the “German Computer Game Award” worth around a total of EUR 590,000 (2019 prize amounts). The prize is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, as well as the German computer games industry association game. Prizes are awarded by a jury for different categories such as “Best German Game”, “Best Children Game”, “Best Serious Game” or “Best Innovation”.
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