Electric cars, smart watches and phones, vacuum cleaners and lawnmowers, or stationary storage systems: Batteries are the energy storage of our time. The EU batteries market is set to grow to 250 billion euros per year by 2025. To ensure the industrial future, the EU has made the production of battery cells a strategic priority.
With the EU Battery Regulation, the European lawmaker set a very comprehensive regulatory framework. Its ambitious goals: providing uniform framework conditions for the entire life cycle of batteries, promoting the circular economy and reducing ecological and social impacts emanating from the battery industry (for a first overview, see here).
The Battery Regulation has already entered into force and the time for implementation is tight. As early as 28 February 2024, extensive obligations will apply to all economic operators that come into contact with a battery - whether manufacturers, importers or distributors. In their webinar our experts Dr Benedikt Rohrßen and Dr Ulrich Spiegel will explain the key points of the Battery Regulation, with a focus on the obligations for manufacturers seating outside the EU, their authorised representatives, and importers.
Download presentation: "The new EU Battery Law"