Welcome to the Spring 2018 edition of Under Construction, our Construction team update.
We need this Bond to perform: Matthew Jones discusses a recent case on performance bonds and the extent to which they can protect an employer if a contractor becomes insolvent.
Retaining Retentions: Jill Hamilton takes a look at the use of cash retentions in the light of the recent Government consultation and the private member's bill seeking to introduce a third party trust scheme.
Building Regulation Prosecution and Enforcement Notices - too little, and possibly, too late: Laurence Cobb takes a look at building control enforcement which he suggests is likely to be reviewed with a widening of the scope of responsibility post Grenfell.
FIDIC 2017: Natalie Pilagos discusses some of the changes in the new FIDIC 2017 suite of contracts.
Final Account Notices: (Systems Pipework Ltd v Rotary Building Services [2017] EWHC 3235 (TCC): Caitlin Ervine discusses the latest TCC guidance on final account notices.
Appropriate procedure for challenging adjudicator's decision: Victory House General v RGB P & C [2018] EWHC 102 (TCC): Andrew Wood reports on the Victory House case which discusses the need to use the correct procedure when challenging adjudicators' decisions.
Building Blocks
The tax team has launched the second edition of Building blocks. Building blocks is a succinct introduction for overseas investors to the tax implications of property investment in the French, German and UK markets. The guide contains concise summaries of the key tax regimes applicable to acquiring, holding and disposing of property in the above countries, along with; a comparative table highlighting key factors; and examples of typical investment structures.
For further information, please contact Michelle Williamson (Tax & Incentives).