Mary is a senior associate specialising in data protection and privacy law.
Mary advises clients on a wide range of data protection and privacy issues, across a variety of sectors. She has a particular interest in privacy in the life sciences and healthcare sector, having advised in depth on the data protection considerations in the clinical trial setting, and in relation to medical devices and wellbeing products.
Mary also regularly advises international clients on their data transfers, data protection impact assessments, data breaches and more general GDPR compliance.
par Mary Rendle
Back to school – lessons for building owners using facial recognition technology
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Top tips for approaching data processing agreements
Mary Rendle provides a handy checklist when drafting or negotiating DPAs.
par Mary Rendle
1 de 6 Publications
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Debbie Heywood
par Maria Luchian
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par plusieurs auteurs