Media update 2024

29 juillet 2024

5 Publications

5 Publications

AI state of play for media businesses

Xuyang Zhu, Christian Frank and Giles Crown consider the impact of AI on media businesses.

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The new UK Media Act: regulation of radio selection services

Kachenka Pribanova looks at Part 6 of the Media Act which focuses on radio selection services.

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The new UK Media Act tightens up the regulatory framework for video-on-demand services

Oz Watson looks at the Media Act's new rules on VoD services.

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The new UK Media Act – a new 'Must Offer'/'Must Carry' prominence regime for PSBs on online TV selection services

Xuyang Zhu looks at the impact of - and issues with - the new 'must offer/'must carry' regime in the Media Act.

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The European Media Freedom Act – the EU's new approach to protecting media plurality and independent journalism

Gregor Schmid looks at the EU Media Freedom Act, what it covers and how it relates to other EU laws.

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