28 octobre 2019
Significant development on the domestic legal market: The renowned lawyers Ivo Deskovic and Peter Solt, currently still partners at Benn-Ibler Attorneys at Law, will join the international law firm Taylor Wessing as partners in Vienna at the beginning of next year. They will be joined by a further five lawyers and associates. The Dispute Resolution and Real Estate Teams of Taylor Wessing will be significantly expanded with this new addition. Since the two partners will also be joined by three assistants, the office will grow by ten people in one fell swoop in February 2020.
Raimund Cancola | CEE Managing Partner
Deskovic and Solt continue their joint path from Weiss-Tessbach via DLA Piper and Benn-Ibler now at Taylor Wessing.
With more than 25 years of experience, Deskovic is one of the leading players in the Austrian legal market. Specialising in dispute resolution and, in particular, large-scale proceedings, Deskovic and his team have already handled numerous cases, some of them of international renown, including investor litigation for a wellknown Austrian private bank. Deskovic and his team of lawyers will complement the team around Taylor Wessing Partner Wolfgang Kapek, CEE Head of Dispute Resolution. He will also contribute his many years of experience as a party representative and arbitrator in international business arbitration proceedings. Deskovic about the upcoming cooperation:
Solt will complement the Real Estate team led by Mario Schiavon. He also has many years of experience, most of them in energy and real estate law and related financing mandates. Among other things, he specialises in real estate transactions and has recently assisted in the realisation of property development and investment projects for residential properties. His aim is also to make use of his experience in the construction and marketing of large commercial properties - areas in which Taylor Wessing has traditionally been active and will now be increasingly so.
Peter Solt | Partner
For Taylor Wessing CEE, the current development is the next big coup within just a few weeks. Only recently the renowned pharmaceutical law expert Barbora Dubanska joined Taylor Wessing as CEE Co-Head Life Sciences.