International update 2023

mai 2023

6 Publications

6 Publications

Take two for the DPDI Bill

Debbie Heywood looks at the latest proposals for changing UK data privacy law following the publication of a second Data Protection and Digital Information Bill.

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China: A practical insight into China SCCs and their impact on businesses

Michael Tan, Julian Sun, Paul Voigt and Wiebke Reuter look at what China's new SCCs mean for businesses looking to export personal data from China to the EU.

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Preparing for 1 July 2023 in the USA: two new state privacy laws come online, are you ready?

Liisa Thomas of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP summarises the complexities of the USA's patchwork approach to privacy regulation.

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Rewriting India's decades-old technology laws in 2023

Trilegal's Nikhil Narendran and Karishma Sundara look at the changes ahead for India's data and technology regulatory framework.

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Canada's 2023 data privacy landscape

Borden Ladner Gervais' Elisa Henry, Candice Hévin, and Marguerite Rolland look at the laws which make up Canada's data privacy regulatory framework.

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The most sweeping reforms to Australian privacy law in over twenty years

MinterEllison's Sonja Read, Susan Kantor, Christina Graves, Helen Lauder and Paul Kallenbach look at the proposed reforms to Australia's Privacy Act 1988.

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