Our representative office in San Francisco enables us to enhance the services we provide to our US clients, particularly those in Technology, Media & Communications, Life Sciences & Healthcare and Energy & Cleantech.
Whilst our office does not practise US law, our presence supports our US clients looking to do business in Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Our international team is renowned for assisting US clients with: mergers and acquisitions, inward investment and doing business in Europe, Middle East and Asia.
In addition, we are able to support our international clients' legal needs outside of North America by managing multi-jurisdictional reviews in areas such as: privacy, employment, stock options, commercial contract and consumer compliance reviews.
Our San Francisco and New York offices provide our US clients with a gateway to over 1100+ lawyers operating out of 17 jurisdictions internationally.
Développement de carrière et parcours professionnels
Quel que soit votre métier ou votre spécialisation, nous vous aiderons à exploiter pleinement votre potentiel, à exceller dans votre domaine et à devenir un véritable expert dans votre secteur.
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