Taylor Wessing berät Veritas-Insolvenzverwalter bei Übernahme durch Max Valier Holding
Shopping Centres in ESG wonderland
In recent times, the shopping sector1 has risked becoming like the Mock Turtle, reminiscing about the good old days. Is it time for the sector to take a direction and reinvent itself in an ESG Wonderland?
Mast Quay tower block scheme granted planning permission after high profile appeal inquiry
The Environmental Plan as a tool for sustainability goals
How secure is secure? Navigating the Law Commission's 1954 Act Consultation
When forfeiture doesn't (We)work: High Court prevents landlord from forfeiting WeWork UK flagship based on insolvency grounds
Brookside battle: adverse possession prevails
Advising on LED Group's acquisition of ATC
Taylor Wessing advises Premier Inn on the acquisition of a property for a new hotel in Hamburg