Please join our Balance in Business and Cultural Diversity Networks, alongside NOTICED, for an event to commemorate South Asian History Month.
We will be joined by Preet Chandi MBE, a British physiotherapist and British Army medical officer who was the first woman of colour to have completed a solo expedition across Antarctica to the South Pole. Preet recently received her MBE as part of HM The Queen’s Jubilee Birthday Honours List in June 2022
In January this year, 'Polar Preet' travelled 700 miles, pulling a sledge of kit, battling temperatures of up to -50c and wind speeds of up to 60mph. By completing this journey, Preet aims to inspire future generations in achieving whatever they desire and pushing boundaries. By promoting and completing this challenge, Preet says "It allows me to act as a role model to young people, women and those from ethnic backgrounds".
The NOTICED network is the UK's first inter-law firm diversity network. The network is open to both lawyers, in law firms and in-house, and those engaged in business services in the legal profession. The network is supported by The Law Society of England & Wales and Race for Opportunity.
A South Asian-themed buffet will be provided.
We hope you can join us.
If you have any questions please use the following details: